Christopher Misch: Canada’s Electric Vehicle Charging Network

July 9, 2022

ChargerQuest is Canada’s Electric Vehicle Charging Network. We own and operate EV charging stations across the country.

Our vision is to accelerate the World’s transition to emission-free transportation and to build the most comprehensive charging network in the nation.

Tell us about yourself?

I am a serial entrepreneur who started out in healthcare as a result of my university education and a desire to help people.

As a visionary, I knew early on I wanted to do something I was passionate about that would make a real difference in peoples’ lives.

I always had a passion for automobiles, and the environment was always top of mind for me. 12 years ago, I left a stable healthcare career to chase my dream, and have never looked back.

I have founded 2 incredible EV infrastructure companies, including Green Dot Group, a smart EV infrastructure company, and ChargerQuest.

If you could go back in time a year or two, what piece of advice would you give yourself?

If I could look back 1-2 years, my advice would be simple: to dream even bigger and to focus on surrounding yourself with people that continue to lift you up and help grow your company.

What problem does your business solve?

We address two significant industry challenges: the lack of EV infrastructure in secondary and rural areas and, secondly, the need to create diversified revenue sources that attract customers to our partner locations.

What is the inspiration behind your business?

My inspiration is two-fold: my family who mean everything to me, and my unrelenting passion to address harmful greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions stemming from transportation. ChargerQuest is doing our part by building a network of fast L3 charging hubs and L2 charging hubs across the country, making it possible to take an EV anywhere. This boosts EV adoption and reduces GHG emissions.

What is your magic sauce?

Our passion, purpose and people – through an innovative business model and exceptional people we are able to leverage corporate partnerships to build Canada’s EV Charging Network.

What is the plan for the next 5 years? What do you want to achieve?

5 years from now, ChargerQuest will be the largest EV charging network in the country and leading brand in the industry.

Later in 2022 ChargerQuest plans to be a publicly traded company giving us greater liquidity, access to capital, continued expansion, and an engaged and loyal customer base.

5 years from now, we will have over 1000 assets deployed across Canada and into the USA.

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced so far?

Covid-19 was significant barrier in our early stage growth because it limited travel, reduced use of our charging network, and made business expansion a virtual task.

There was a remarkable silver lining because businesses were struggling and wanted a way to attract new customers and boost average spend – all without adding a capital or operating expenses.

We addressed this head on by offering EV charging as an amenity to our host business partners: ChargerQuest would own and operate the chargers, allowing our partners to focus on their core business. In addition, ChargerQuest covers 100% of all capital and operating expenses. The end result was a win:win scenario.

How do people get involved/buy into your vision?

We want large corporations to reach out to us if they are interested in having a charging network partner at their sites. We encourage EV owners to use our network, download our ChargerQuest app and look at buying an EV.

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