Daniel Steinberg: Lawbrokr™ Is Legal’s First Customer Experience Platform Powered by Lawyers

August 6, 2022

Lawbrokr™ is legal’s first customer experience platform powered by lawyers. An innovative legal marketplace for everyday legal needs. Lawbrokr allows you to search, connect, and communicate with lawyers throughout North America, removing the friction of finding a lawyer that is right for you!

At lawbrokr, we believe that the consumer experience of getting access to lawyers should be simple, fast, and effortless.

For Solo Practitioners, lawbrokr’s end-to-end platform puts each lawyer in control of their own demand by driving practitioners to be quick, and responsive to support the growth of their practice.

Our Mission: Simplify the accessibility of legal services.

Tell us about yourself?

Leveraging his background in Professional Services (Ex-EY), Marketing Technology (Ex-Influitive), and Legal Technology (Ex-Clio), Daniel Steinberg is the Co-Founder, and CEO of lawbrokr™, legal’s first customer experience platform powered by lawyers, focusing on connecting consumers and lawyers for everyday legal needs.

Running partnerships at Clio, while working directly with Google on digitizing a law firm’s storefront led Daniel to Lawbrokr, helping simplify the experience of putting lawyers in control by mimicking everyday consumer interactions through a platform that supported lawyer growth while not compromising the customer experience.

If you could go back in time a year or two, what piece of advice would you give yourself?

Dive right in. Nothing should get in the way of building something special that can impact so many.

What problem does your business solve?

Our goal is to help Solo Practitioners reduce monthly ad spend through traditional channels, and leverage Lawbrokr’s technology to drive new business opportunities that are right for them.

No lawyer should be sitting on page 25 of a directory waiting to be found.

Through lawbrokr, lawyers can review, and accept prospective engagements when they want, reducing cost per acquisition, overhead, and billable hours, all while providing consumers with a simple to use platform that removes the friction of finding legal representation for everyday legal needs.

What is the inspiration behind your business?

I’ve always wanted to be an entrepreneur. For me, it was a matter of when not if. What inspired the build of Lawbrokr was the opportunity to be opened to the world of legal. The legal world is antiquated and ready for disruption.

An opportunity to build a company that impacted every day led me to a love and passion for solving legal tech problems. Legal governs our society, and Lawbrokr sits at the forefront of that, solving one of the most integral issues: the problem for consumers needing access to legal representation.

What is your magic sauce?

Lawbrokr’s platform mimics everyday app experiences and eliminates the complexities of finding a lawyer who’s right for you.

By building a Marketplace that is powered by technology, Lawbrokr leverages an algorithm that provides consumers and lawyers a matching and recommendation platform to solve legal problems on demand.

What is the plan for the next 5 years? What do you want to achieve?

Lawbrokr’s vision is to provide access to legal services wherever, whenever, via Lawbrokr’s platform.

We provide consumers with the opportunity to access legal representation through an unmatched backend powered by our matching and recommendation algorithm.

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced so far?

Scalability. Our goal is to provide consumers everywhere with access to legal representation.

Our technology scales, but growing alongside our technology and providing consumers with a sufficient supply of lawyers wherever for their dedicated legal needs is a consistent growth challenge that we will continue to overcome.

How do people get involved/buy into your vision?

If you are a consumer in need of legal services, you can ‘find a lawyer’ for free!

If you are a lawyer looking to grow your practice, sign up today at lawbrokr.com to be instantly matched with consumers that fit within your legal expertise.

If you need help getting set up, we have a team of experts that can jump on an initial call to set up your profile.

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