Jackie Kwitko : Unlike Most Frozen Treats, Fressy Bessie Ice Lollies Are Made With 100% Pureed Organic Fruit and Veg and Nothin’ But

February 27, 2022

Unlike most frozen treats, Fressy Bessie ice lollies are made with 100% pureed organic fruit and veg and nothin’ but – making them a healthy and delicious choice for kids, teething babies, diabetics and those with dietary restrictions.

Tell us about yourself?

I have always liked to cook and when my daughter was young, I made all her baby food and kept her away from sugar. She is 19 years old loves her veggies and likes to cook. She is also a healthy eater (healthier than me which is what I wanted).

I thought I might be able to help other parents who wanted to bring up their children as healthy eaters and so I came up with my ice lollies – made from certified organic fruit (and spinach in one of them). And I found a market for them. There are so many consumers out there with food sensitivities that I know they can eat fruit.

If you could go back in time a year or two, what piece of advice would you give yourself?

I should have started two years ago, looking to grow my business.

What problem does your business solve?

I know that a growing number of people are trying to kick their sugar habit – We know that too much sugar is linked to obesity, heart disease and a growing number of type 2 diabetics. We wanted to offer a product that this growing number of people might like. Fruit on a stick!

What is the inspiration behind your business?

My daughter is my inspiration. I’m amazed that she is such a healthy eater, likes to cook, bake bread and I know the food choices I made for her is a big part of who she has become. I wanted to help other parents have an amazing daughter like mine!

What is your magic sauce?

We are the only popsicle in the market, with no added sugars, or juice. Most popsicles are made out of water, juice and sugar. Some do have fruit. But we are the only one with no added sugar or juice (liquid sugar) . This is our magic sauce.

What is the plan for the next 5 years? What do you want to achieve?

For the next 5 years we hope to grow in Canada and the USA – we are also looking for export markets in the Middle East and Latin America – where ever it is warm.

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced so far?

We haven’t had to change course so far, we are headed in the right direction to introduce consumers to a new sort of popsicles – one without added sugar.

How do people get involved/buy into your vision?

To buy our ice lollies – click on the link and of course follow us on instagram, facebook and twitter – https://www.fressybessie.com/where-to-buy/

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