Parth Patel : It Company That Only Entertains Healthcare It Projects

July 9, 2022

SyS Creations is an IT company that only entertains healthcare IT projects. So, in other words, we are a healthcare IT company.

With our healthcare IT knowledge and expertise, we help individual healthcare providers, hospitals, small clinics, healthcare startups and even healthcare enterprises to solve their administrative and clinical challenges by building mobile and web apps.

We also deploy automation in healthcare entities to save their clinical hours and focus more on patient care. Our team includes 50+ healthcare IT professionals (app developers, UI/UX designers, business analysts, compliance specialists and QA engineers).

We have a vision to not let our kids experience the healthcare system we grew up experiencing – delayed, clogged and costly!

Tell us about yourself?

I moved to Canada in 2011 at the age of 17 to follow my passion for business and soon started working with Canadian entrepreneurs on a contract basis.

I admire entrepreneurs, recognize the need for innovation and welcome change as an opportunity to do things differently.

I initially worked in the space of Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence for the healthcare industry and am a firm believer in leveraging technology. This led me to the foundation of SyS Creations in June 2015.

If you could go back in time a year or two, what piece of advice would you give yourself?

After starting my venture, I preferred to serve only the North American healthcare market during the initial years.

But as I moved deeper into the healthcare ecosystem, I realized that all countries of the world struggle with delayed, costly and tedious healthcare workflows.

So, if I could go back in the time, I would like to not remain limited to only North America, but serve the global healthcare industry (which by the way we are currently doing!).

What problem does your business solve?

We bridge the gap between healthcare and technology.

Because it is observed that one of the core reasons healthcare providers do not want to adopt technology is their lack of technical ability and knowledge.

So, by shouldering their healthcare IT challenges and becoming their technology partner, we help them to adopt technology without being the victim of its complexity.

What is the inspiration behind your business?

I closely monitored how our healthcare system fails to empower patients with affordable, quality and easily accessible healthcare. (The pandemic proved what I have been believing even years prior to it.)

Not only patients, but our healthcare professionals have also been facing so many hardships working in a very intense environment where they are prone to severe errors and awful mental health.

Being a part of the system, I identified the reasons that cause problems for both patients and providers. So, to solve their problems, I jumped into it with the tech knowledge I have and with the healthcare passion I believed in.

What is your magic sauce?

Being specific to one industry is our magic sauce. I always wanted to bring change in healthcare and to bring change, specific knowledge and efforts in one direction is the most essential element.

Of course, entertaining only healthcare projects limit our revenue opportunities, but we never think about it. Because, we are here for class, not mass!

What is the plan for the next 5 years? What do you want to achieve?

We have already defined a 3-dimensional plan. In the first place, we want to make healthcare more affordable, and accessible for patients.

And for providers, we want to empower them with technology to let them provide quality and accurate care.

Not only this, but we have a serious plan to make every administrative workflow automated to free up clinical staff from tedious and time-consuming data entry and reporting tasks.

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced so far?

During the pandemic time, the entire healthcare system suddenly wanted to adopt technology on a mass level.

So, we faced unprecedented demands but our existing teams were busy working on existing projects.

Everything happened so fast that we could not cope with the market speed and misfired several opportunities.

But soon, we onboarded new experts and partnered with other companies sharing a similar vision.

How do people get involved/buy into your vision?

We publish a lot of health tech content on regular basis to our websites.

Since our industry experts prepare the content and deliver value, we have attained a very large user base in a very short period of time.

If they find the perfect match between their health tech requirements and our health tech knowledge, they contact us through direct call or form.

All they want to work with us is a solid healthcare vision! Because, we bet on vision, not on project size!

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