Vedran (Ved) Rasic: The First Social Capital Manager Built for Professionals and Teams

April 21, 2022

LeadDelta is your first Social Capital Manager built for Professionals and Teams. LeadDelta helps professionals double down on warm relationships. Our BHAG is to unlock more & better opportunities for every professional and organization.

Tell us about yourself?

Before building LeadDelta, I was a Co-Founder of Autoklose – an email automation system acquired in late 2020.

I studied economics. But fairly quickly, I learned that I wanted to build things. So University became part-time, while building mode became full-time.

I traveled the world and lived in Austria, Serbia, and Canada. And typically, I would reject well-paid corporate jobs and trade them for starting from 0. I’ve lived like that for ten years.

Fast forward to my first startup in Canada… We thought we had a great product and a great market, but we failed miserably. And just when I was about to move into a big tech corp. we started another business that ended up being a success. We bootstrapped it and sold it for a solid multiple.

After a year in that company, I branched out independently and built LeadDelta.

If you could go back in time a year or two, what piece of advice would you give yourself?

I’d say:

  1. Be bold but ensure that you have your blind spots covered with the right mentors.
  2. Be focused & pull the trigger on decisions you know are correct.

What problem does your business solve?

We believe that no professional should start from an empty CRM.

While building our previous startups, we noticed one behavior repeatedly…

When you are about to hire, sell, fundraise, or market a product, you effectively start from 0.

Then, you turn to your network.

But your network is spread across Spreadsheets, Social Media, past CRMs & Emails you don’t even have access to.

So what do companies do?

They buy lists of contacts. This process is ineffective and wastes resources across many company departments. Not to say that it’s outdated and not yielding anymore.

What is the inspiration behind your business?

While building Autoklose and other startups, I learned how important personal relationships are and how directly proportional the strength of your industry connections is to the success of your venture.

I always believed that no person ever is self-made. We all have some mentors and help from our immediate environment. Some have less; others have more. Nonetheless, we all get support.

I remember always wishing there was a platform that would make it easy for any professional to spot the right opportunities and act on them.

It turned out there was none. So we decided to build LeadDelta.

It is intended for every professional out there, but specifically busy CEOs and founders, digital creators, recruiters, high-ticket salespeople, etc.

What is your magic sauce?

When you go to the Chrome Web Store and you type in LinkedIn CRM, LeadDelta comes out as #1. We quickly grew to over 6,000 CWS installs and collected over 250+ 5-star reviews.

The reason is because LeadDelta:

  1. Offers full data ownership.
  2. You can inject and export the data in less than 30 seconds.
  3. We were the first to figure out and fix the inbox challenge on LinkedIn, so now you can manipulate messages without us even storing them.

What is the plan for the next 5 years? What do you want to achieve?

Short-term (one to two years): We want to become a single place where you deposit and grow your Social Capital.

Long-term (three to ten years): We want to revolutionize the incentive structures of humans interacting online.

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced so far?

We still haven’t encountered a big enough challenge to scare us, but we are focused on Growth rate and creating daily loops. The daily loops around our product could be much better.

How do people get involved/buy into your vision?

I’d love to invite CEOs, digital creators, and other professionals to test-drive You will never look at your network the same way. You can download any of our tips & tricks. So far, all of our books have been top voted and are short enough to read. Finally, follow me and our LinkedIn page for the latest and the greatest from the world of networking.

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