Khal Shariff: Committed To Making the World a Better Place by Transforming Digital Technologies Into Vibrant Vessels of Learning, Inspiration, and Beauty

February 26, 2022

Project Whitecard is committed to making the world a better place by transforming digital technologies into vibrant vessels of learning, inspiration, and beauty.

Launching project after project, Project Whitecard operates its fleet of applications, for people, and discretely, for clients. Thus, through our enterprise, we at Project Whitecard are navigators of education, culture, science, and compassion.

By developing a strong and willful skill base of like-minded leaders within Project Whitecard, we together demonstrate to the world how one can find a course of positively efficient action that broadens the world’s shorelines of healthy digital engagement, always seeking to outrun the old ideas and transform passive users of content into champions of kindness, truth, beauty, and enlightenment, ultimately remaking the world and worlds beyond into safe havens of adventure, free thought, and novel ideas.

Tell us about yourself?

I was the lead web developer at the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, and although this was an excellent position, during the wars of the early 2000s, I felt I could be doing more with my time than supporting the kinds of things coming out of the mouth of the Bush administration and the AP.

If you could go back in time a year or two, what piece of advice would you give yourself?

I would say. “You have this. You can do it. Think even smaller and less bugs at the start.”

What problem does your business solve?

Often, in teaching or training, organizations simply cannot muster state-of-the-art software tools to make their goals a reality. We step in to be that extra hand and we also make projects of our own in health, technology, or training.

What is the inspiration behind your business?

I always wanted to work with NASA and build 3D worlds, and to work for the obvious “good’ of people and the planet. I left the News to start my own company and directly try to help people “be smarter.” Turns out we need way more of that anyway!

What is your magic sauce?

Our magic sauce is that we have a work-life balance by default for all employees, and believe we can deliver a better quality immersive 3D software training too than anyone else, because we work harder, smarter and more creatively than the competition.

What is the plan for the next 5 years? What do you want to achieve?

We are making a new space education game that will be a breakthrough, and we are planning on making roads safer in all of Europe and North America (we are well on our way).

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced so far?

My biggest challenge is scoping a project too large. If you are going to visit the solar system with an MMO game, you should start with the Moon, make that perfect, and then expand.

How do people get involved/buy into your vision?

I want driver safety officers in countries to keep finding me. (they do). and just call me. I get about 200 emails a day. LinkedIn works as well. I am speaking at several conferences this year (Like SeriousPlay), and can’t wait to be back in France to see everyone. Take care and stay safe, and find me.

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