Olivier Rousseau: Activity Messenger Is an All-in-One Toolkit for Class & Camp Management

February 27, 2022

Activity Messenger is an all-in-one Toolkit for Class & Camp management. Waivers, SMS, Payments, Surveys, Email Marketing and Staff onboarding bundled in one place.

Tell us about yourself?

I have been an business operator in the Sports & Leisure industry for over 10 years and never found any communication software that was build for my line of work.

Always patching up different solutions that did not interact and cost me a lot of my hard earned money. Developing an all-in-one solution has been a dream of mine for quite a while.

If you could go back in time a year or two, what piece of advice would you give yourself?

Even if you develop a great product don’t expect people to flock to it right away. Many of our prospects and clients have been burnt in the past with solutions promising industry specific features and never pulling through for them.

So many come to us hesitant when we say we can actually solve their issues. Taking the time to educate prospects on our solution and how solve the gaps in their systems is very important

What problem does your business solve?

We help business owners spend less time on repetitive tasks so they can focus on doing what they love by simplifying and automating communications and payments with participants.

Can also be used as an add-on to solve all the gaps in your current class management system.

What is the inspiration behind your business?

Martin, the technical founder, found many communication gaps in his time at a class management system software and saw many clients patching up with extra tools that are not adapted their needs.

I, as the co-founder, had been using these extra tools which was both expensive and time consuming. An all-in-one tool with great value sprung out of our partnership

What is your magic sauce?

Our magic sauce is that we really understand the client. Olivier has been experiencing these issues for years and has tried all the other software and workarounds possible.

I truly understand the client as I am one of them. Martin, has had years of developing a platform and hearing the problems clients where having and started Activity Messenger with the mission to solve them.

What is the plan for the next 5 years? What do you want to achieve?

We want to become the reference when it comes to software and the sports & Leisure industry. Give our clients customizable tools to help them better manage their business without having to choose a one size fits all model that we currently see in the industry

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced so far?

The biggest challenge by far has been to convince clients and prospects to give us a chance. Once they see the product, they have the haha moment and never look back.

But many have been promised automations and a lot of of the tools we offer but these never materialized. Having to work around that skeptism that we see in our industry has been the biggest challenge.

How do people get involved/buy into your vision?

We are looking for business owners in the Sports & Leisure industry who want to spend less time on repetitive task and increase their bottom line with communication and payment tools that are actually designed for them.

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