Paul Fitzgerald : Innovative Public Relations Firm That Promotes New Tech Start-UPS and Established Businesses Through Press Coverage

April 21, 2022

Salt & Pepper Media Inc. is an innovative public relations firm that promotes new tech start-ups and established businesses through press coverage, and we also develop websites and develop and manage “out-of-the-box” social media campaigns. We also produce content, and we do commercials, marketing and advertising. We are also committed to community outreach, helping new brands and organizations achieve their goals through our pro-bono efforts.

Tell us about yourself?

My background is very diverse, which has helped me greatly on my journey in public relations and journalism. There is music, travel, education, and growing a business. Let’s start with the music side. Ever since I was young, I have played guitar, trumpet and played in many bands and orchestras, even rock bands too! I am creative and open minded, so music has and always will be my anchor into PR and communications.

Now, let’s explore my travels. I grew up in the Toronto area, and I have lived in many places, including Spain, The UK, Halifax, Calgary, and I have travelled extensively in Africa, Europe, and the USA. Travel has opened up my mind to the world around me in so many ways. On the education front, I went from being a high-school drop out, finally finishing, and I will soon complete my PhD in Communication Sciences.

I also hold a Broadcast Journalism Diploma (B.J.), a Bachelor of Arts (BA) and a Master of Arts (MA) – all degrees with a focus in the media and politics. In all, my travels, music, and educational experiences have opened up my mind in so many ways.

Through all my passions, I have interviewed many fascinating people and have helped so many brands become household names, simply because I was never afraid to try new things – new instruments, new places to see and live, and new educational opportunities.

I so enjoy meeting people, interviewing business leaders, and pushing the PR envelope in new directions. Additionally, I know the importance of giving back; so many leaders have helped me along the way and it feels awesome to help new start-ups and organizations who need that extra hand to boost their brand.

If you could go back in time a year or two, what piece of advice would you give yourself?

If I could go back in time – and we all wish we could – the best piece of advice I would give myself is to take some more downtime on the weekends and holidays. Life is short!

For years I have worked so hard, but it’s fine to give yourself a break. I finally realized this and in a good way. It’s key to reboot the batteries, because when you work 7-days a week year-round, you miss out on life. I have realized the importance of taking time off and being myself. Also, if I could go back in time I would be more aggressive in getting paid more and paid on time as a business innovator.

There is nothing wrong with knowing your worth on the market and never losing sight of the fact that when people call on you, they see value in you on so many levels.

What problem does your business solve?

Salt & Pepper Media Inc. helps new start-ups who are raising investment funds and who want more exposure, but are limited on the capital front. So, what we do is secure new start-ups with press coverage and help make brands a household name.

Since start-ups are tight on the money front, we secure news coverage, saving you money on advertising, while also amping up consumer and investment interests. Let’s face it, getting a patent, or getting a new idea off the ground, is normally boot-strapped in the early stags, so we come in and offer a competitive budget and take brands to new heights on the press, website and social media fronts.

We also work to help new brands with no funding reach new plateaus which shows our commitment and diversity to the tech start-up world. The problem is capital for many new start-ups and growth and getting the word out, but we take care of it all – helping everyone get exposure and new investments and consumer interest!

What is the inspiration behind your business?

The biggest inspiration behind the business is helping new start-ups be the best and to stand out in a noisy digital world. Through press coverage, website design and development, and through our digital media innovations, we take people who have an idea and make it a reality.

We make business leaders heroes and we thrive on exposure for our clients. A press hit or two to us is like a touchdown in the last few seconds of a football games, or that guitar solo that makes fans rise and applaud in the stands.

All memorable! For Salt & Pepper Media Inc. there are no boundaries – the sky is the limit and there are really no glass ceilings. We think big and we take start-ups to big places on every level.

What is your magic sauce?

Ah, the magic sauce; I know all about that. What differs us from the competition is that we work with scores of big thinkers and we work with different budgets. There are all sorts of PR firms who will want to charge you tons of money for a campaign, but we find ways to make it happen for everyone!

What is the plan for the next 5 years? What do you want to achieve?

The next five years will be exciting. My goal is to grow my PR firm, write more columns for Entrepreneur Magazine and tons of other media outlets, and also teach online part-time, sharing my passion and knowledge with up and coming professionals from around the world.

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced so far?

The biggest challenge is showing new business leaders that they can achieve tremendous success. The pandemic took us by storm and now we are facing a new and challenging economic era in the ‘ new normal’ – one we will all get through – but the challenge is, and always will be, to support new start-ups and provide them with solutions for exposure on many levels.

We work to show entrepreneurs that networking and giving back to communities is the way of the future!

How do people get involved/buy into your vision?

You can visit and reach out to us to learn more about our services and how we can make your brand a household name!

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