Tom Rossiter: RESAAS Is a SAAS Platform Where Real Estate and Technology Meet

August 9, 2022

RESAAS is a SAAS platform where Real Estate and Technology meet, bringing REALTORS® everything they need to thrive and excel.

RESAAS is an industry ecosystem for licensed real estate agents wanting to increase their referral business, regardless of which brokerage they belong to. RESAAS provides agent-to-agent referrals, rather than consumer or buyer driven leads, making them the most qualified leads available.

RESAAS is the only industry platform offering agent-to-agent referrals at a global scale and across all brokerages.

Tell us about yourself?

That’s a funny story actually. It all started with a dream of living by the mountains and a young man getting off a plane in Canada, snowboard in hand. First place I went? The bar. First people I met? REALTORS®.

I was excited to start my new venture living abroad. The people I met quickly became friends, also serving as inspiration behind the creation of RESAAS. I loved the motivation of these professionals, and the sheer drive to be the best they could be.

The stereotype of REALTORS® is that they work in isolation. I found this to be the complete opposite of the truth. REALTORS® are inherently social people, and referrals make the industry go round. What they needed was technology to compliment and amplify how real estate really works.


If you could go back in time a year or two, what piece of advice would you give yourself?

Invest in hand sanitizer.

What problem does your business solve?

REALTORS® are traditionally at the mercy of the real estate markets. When markets are booming commissions are flowing, but during downturns things can start getting a little tight.

RESAAS brings REALTORS® a constant income through referral business, and this isn’t just through receiving referrals into their areas, agents can also generate fees for the referrals they put into the platform too.

What is your magic sauce?

RESAAS is the only industry platform for the entire real estate sector. We pride ourselves on providing agent-to-agent referrals, rather than consumer or buyer driven leads, making them the most qualified leads available.

RESAAS is also the only platform offering agent-to-agent referrals at a global scale and across all brokerages. We are totally brokerage agnostic, which means limitless opportunities of new business for agents on our platform.

What is the plan for the next 5 years? What do you want to achieve?

Exciting times lie ahead for RESAAS. Our residential platform is booming, fueled most recently by the slowdown in the real estate market – agents need to work harder to earn business now, so RESAAS becomes busier.

Launching very soon is our dedicated platform for Commercial Real Estate Brokers – this will be the first of its kind for that $16 Trillion industry.

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced so far?

I place a lot of importance on people, so anything that affects others negatively is challenging. Success in business feels great and is more widely shared, but what often isn’t seen are all the tough times. The life of an entrepreneur is inherently up and down.

RESAAS was built to provide a foundational platform for an entire industry. As such, it is incredibly adaptable. The course we set ourselves when starting RESAAS hasn’t deviated too much – our goal was always to unite the fractured real estate industry.

Over the years, we have had new opportunities present themselves.

A great example of this is the recent demand from Commercial Real Estate Brokers, and some of their firms, to bring the value RESAAS has proven in the residential real estate sector over to the Commercial sector too.

Our robust technology and trusted position within the industry enables us to adapt and capitalize on new business opportunities quickly.

How do people get involved/buy into your vision?

The hallmark of RESAAS is a reflection of the industry we currently serve; we are inherently social and place so much value on networks.

As a publicly-traded company, RESAAS appeals to both savvy investors as well as real estate professionals. Any top-producing agent, brokerage executive and investor are welcome to get in touch via

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