Tommy Christensen: Allowing Individuals, Communities, and Businesses, To Collect and Share Location Based Content With Others

January 20, 2022

iTagTip is a mobile platform that allows individuals, communities, and businesses, to collect and share location based content with other individuals, communities, and businesses in real time and based on proximity.

Tell us about yourself?

Having worked with Product Development the majority of my professional career, I was approached by the founder of iTagTip, to help him develop the platform. I immediately saw the potential of iTagTip and agreed to work with him to develop the platform.

If you could go back in time a year or two, what piece of advice would you give yourself?

I would not give myself any advice because I wouldn’t change anything.

What problem does your business solve?

Instead of a user having to run several apps to be able to be notified when he/she is near something that has their interest, they can run one app, iTagTip. Our app provide the user with instant notification when within the set proximity of a Tag, without any interaction from the user. This saves the user both data and more importantly, battery. iTagTip always runs in the background without using up all the battery and data on the Phone.

What is the inspiration behind your business?

The founder came up with the business idea behind iTagTip because he saw a need for an app that would connect him in time and space, without having to run several specialized apps. Our founder spend years defining the core principle behind iTagTip, distilling he requirements down to the simple, yet powerful, functionality. He often compare iTagTip with a butler, sitting on his shoulder, bringing his attention to the location based objects he is interested in.

What is your magic sauce?

We are not a one-trick pony. Anything that is location based can be exposed on our platform.
For each type of objects, users can define functionality and properties, without writing a single line of code. We support both static objects, think buildings, structures, areas, and also moving objects, think vehicles, people, animals.
And we do all of this plus much more, all in one app.

What is the plan for the next 5 years? What do you want to achieve?

In the next five years, we want to become the market leader in location based informational systems.

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced so far?

Our biggest challenge is how define and execute a go-to-market strategy.

How do people get involved/buy into your vision?

We want businesses and government offices to start using our platform as their tool to share location based information with all their users, instead of developing a “one trick pony” app. iTagTip enables anyone to share this data within minutes and without writing any code, through our web-sites and mobile apps.

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