Dhruv Adhia: Paradigm Shift in Humanizing Web by Brining Seamless 3D and AR Technologies to E-commerce Industry

July 10, 2022

To bring paradigm shift in humanizing web by brining seamless 3D and AR technologies to e-commerce industry.

Tell us about yourself?

I am computer scientist and entrepreneur with an experience of over 15 years specializing in the field human computer interaction, holography, AR/VR technologies.

If you could go back in time a year or two, what piece of advice would you give yourself?

To focus more on bringing technologies on its maturity level and b2c market.

What problem does your business solve?

By building innovative 3D and AR solutions for retailers around the globe, Cela works on improving user experience, user retention rate, reduce return rates and increase average time users spend on retailers website.

What is the inspiration behind your business?

Primary inspiration comes from two words, humanizing technology. We have seen an era of internet and platforms delivering information.

Cela believes that the coming age will not just be about gaining information but also how we interact with information via human centric design approach.

What is your magic sauce?

It starts with two t’s. Team (Founder chemistry) and technology.

Cela founders have 15 years of working experience together with prior company of successful exit.

The founders chemistry is the one the biggest reason of make or break aspect in any given company.

Three founders brings complimentary skill sets with technology, executive management, creativity, design and finance.

Apart from that the founders are agile and all contribute with several innovations and design keeping company ahead of its competitions by generating more and valuable IP.

What is the plan for the next 5 years? What do you want to achieve?

Cela plans to scale it’s revenue and outreach globally. Apart from that contributing not only to e-commerce but also stepping into e learning industry building next generations of classrooms in metaverse like environment on the cloud.

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced so far?

B2C customer acquisition and reaching out to various retailers on various platforms with wide variety of different needs. Other challenge has been on digitizing products as quick as possible while maintaining the quality.

How do people get involved/buy into your vision?

Retailers with e-commerce presence looking forward to take their website to next stage by introducing innovating 3D, AR and NFT technologies to their clientele can simply register on our website at thecela.com or reach out on info@thecela.com

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