John Bura: We Make Online Courses That Teach People How to Code

August 5, 2022

We make online courses that teach people how to code. We have sold over 1.1 million courses. We teach people how to buff their resume by building practical projects.

This separates us from everyone else because we want people learn as much as possible in the least amount of time

Tell us about yourself?

My name is John Bura and I’ve been coding since 1997 and teachings since 2002.

In the late 2000s I made a ton of apps for the app store and I found out that everybody was more interested in how to build an app. Using my teaching and coding skills, I produced a huge 35 hour course on how to make iPhone games. After that, my career took off.

If you could go back in time a year or two, what piece of advice would you give yourself?

In big bull markets, try to produce more and keep your production variable so you can absorb any kind of cost.

What problem does your business solve?

We train people in new technology by providing the quickest results for an affordable cost. We also review employees and tech stacks to help businesses make the best decisions especially now that a recession might be on the way.

What is the inspiration behind your business?

I made a lot of apps in the late 2000s and whenever I showed my apps to friends and acquaintances, every single one of them asked how apps are made.

They could care less about the apps themselves. So I heard of a little startup at the time called Udemy and I produced a Mammoth 35 hour course on how to make iPhone games.

The next year, I actually started making 6 figures working from home. It was surreal. Prior to this I was working hard for 4 years trying to start a business with no success and within a matter of months, things changed for the better.

What is your magic sauce?

We make quality courses very quickly. Our time to market is the best in the business. This comes from years of honing our craft and figuring out the best way to build courses quickly.

What is the plan for the next 5 years? What do you want to achieve?

Right now we’re expanding into EdTech and SaaS. We have tried building SaaS before but nothing really stuck.

We’re building tools for other course creators and entrepreneurs to be included in our courses. It will give us a huge advantage over all of the other course creators out there because our SaaS will provide the customers with tremendous value.

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced so far?

The biggest challenge in the eLearning industry is that there are companies that have hundreds of millions of dollars in funding and then there’s a ton of bootstrapped companies.

We’re the latter. Most big companies do not want you to scale your eLearning business and actively work against you to ensure that doesn’t happen.

The eLearning industry is not like the software industry. Steam, The App Store, and Google Play all have million and billion dollar companies. All of the eLearning platforms maybe has a few million dollar companies, but not many.

Most eLearning platforms are very short sighted, investor heavy (too many cooks in the kitchen), and very bloated from an organizations point of view.

The eLearning industry is begging to have more competition on the marketplace side. Luckily there are a few developments that I’m seeing behind the scenes that are really exciting.

We’ve managed to do quite well for ourselves with 4.3 million dollars in sales. We’re looking to 10x this ASAP.

Before the pandemic eLearning was clearly a business but the pandemic/work from home / online learning has made eLearning mainstream.

I expect to see a huge amount of growth in the next 10 years. I also expect to see a few legacy companies go bankrupt because they failed to adapt.

It’s been an exciting 12 years in business and the next 10 are going to be wild.

How do people get involved/buy into your vision?

If you want to learn to code or your business needs training we’re your company. We’ve also seen a huge interest in our consulting services. If your business needs to review your programmers / tech stack / employees, this is another service we offer.

You can contact us here at to get started.

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