Successful HVAC Startups You Should Read About in 2024

February 5, 2024
Successful HVAC Startups You Should Read About in 2024

When you think of HVAC startups, you might first think of HVAC installers or repair businesses, but we’re talking about companies that design and build technologies used in HVAC systems. About 90% of American houses use air conditioning, according to the U.S. Energy Information Association, making advances in HVAC of interest to most U.S. homeowners. Whether you want to invest in HVAC startups or your interest stems from a desire to save money on monthly energy bills, read on to learn about the top successful HVAC startups of 2024.

Improving Energy Efficiency

At dPoint Technologies, scientists want to cool buildings without refrigerant. This startup business developed an air conditioning technology using phase change materials that leverage humidifiers to cool an area, while Oxygen8’s new HVAC method dehumidifies and cools air simultaneously. Similarly, SinoGreen developed a method without refrigerants that relies on chilled water and Phononic uses a solid-cooling technology that leverages phonons, quasiparticles that can carry heat.

While some businesses go about making HVAC more energy efficient in the same way, such as cutting out refrigerants, the Irish company Exergyn produces waste heat recovery and conversion technology. The American firm 75F invented an Internet of Things (IoT) building automation system that proactively controls the HVAC system, plus lights and other devices. Some companies work to develop technologies that help those residing in large apartment complexes or industrial buildings.

The engineers at Hydronic Shell tackled the problem of cooling large apartment complexes. Their technology combines manufactured shady areas, exterior lighting devices, and photovoltaic panels. Installing their cooling devices on the roof of the building, instead of the traditional method of on exterior walls, also improves aesthetics. Chinese startup Broad Group offers sustainable air conditioning systems that use non-electric air coolers without Freon.

Improving HVAC Maintenance

When an HVAC system undergoes regular maintenance, it reduces the risk of breakdowns by about 95%. The U.S. company Nationwide Coils created a heartier, more durable coil for HVAC systems. At BrainBox AI, the company developed an app for HVAC contractors that helps conduct system diagnostics and fix the HVAC problem. The United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.) startup KAD Air Conditioning addresses duct alternatives.

There’s an App for That, Too

Along with technicians, consumers also benefit from apps that make using their HVAC systems easier and more efficient. Entic developed an app that helps consumers operate their HVAC systems from their smartphones. It also provides them with information on their energy use and custom advice on how to reduce energy use. The startup Tado develops home-use thermostats controlled by an app on the resident’s smartphone that can respond to outdoor temperatures and automatically adjust the interior temperature.

Creating Devices to Cool Distinct Areas

Mini-splits account for more than half (57%) of the air conditioning systems sold today, according to ComfyLiving. Those devices let the homeowner cool a specific area of the home to an exact temperature without the use of window units. Adding a new-age heat pump can help further save money. The company Quatt in The Netherlands created an AI-powered smart hybrid heat pump and the U.S. business Quilt developed something similar – an AI ductless heat pump.

HVAC Startups Revolutionize Heating and Cooling

Whether you want to keep abreast of developing HVAC technologies and the startups creating them so you can invest in the companies or buy the technology, you have many exciting options to pursue. Consider a domestic or foreign startup that can revolutionize energy use or provide you with a better way to heat and cool your home, office, or industrial operation. HVAC startups offer energy-efficient methods, maintenance improvements, and smart technologies, including management apps, that can transform HVAC.

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